لاگ ان

جمعرات 14 شعبان 1446 بہ مطابق 13 فروری 2025

لاگ ان

جمعرات 14 شعبان 1446 بہ مطابق 13 فروری 2025

لاگ ان / رجسٹر
جمعرات 14 شعبان 1446 بہ مطابق 13 فروری 2025

جمعرات 14 شعبان 1446 بہ مطابق 13 فروری 2025

Alhamdulillah Mufti Owais Pasha Qarni stands in the tradition of Alhl-e-Sunnat wal jama’at as a continuation of the authentic methodology of receiving Sacred Knowledge and journeying on the spiritual path, through an unbroken chain of masters which traces all the way back to the Holy Prophet (PBUH). He has been blessed with the companionship of a number of Shuyookh (spiritual leaders) and Asaatiza (Teachers) to complete different aspects of his educational and spiritual training. With the Blessings of Allah (SWT), Mufti Owais Pasha Qarni has Ijazah and Khilafah (permission to pass on spiritual training) in Silsila-e-Naqshband, and has also achieved Takhasus (Specialization) in Ifta (Islamic legal ruling) according to Fiqh-ul-Hanfi (jurisprudence of the Hanafi school). Along with his bright religious profile he also has achieved various degrees from modern educational institutions. He holds a bachelor’s degree in linguistics, as well as a Master’s degree in Islamic Studies from the University of Karachi. He also has an M.Phil degree in the field of Fiqh (Jurisprudence) and is currently pursuing a Doctorate in the discipline of Aqeedah (Theology).

Having realized his duty towards Allah (SWT) in his early years started to call people towards Allah (SWT) and his Messenger (PBUH), and travelled to many places to learn and spread the message of Islam. It was his spiritual and learned elders’ analysis that there are gaps to be bridged between the modern educated class and the orthodox Ulama-e Kiraam. To bridge this gap, he set up an institution by the name of Fiqh Academy with the sole purpose is to promote religious education among the people with modern educational backgrounds. He also delivers lectures on both educational and public forums. He has completed delivering the translation and parts of exegesis of Quran more than ten times at different platforms, especially along the with Taraweeh Prayers during the Blessed Month of Ramadhan.

He also holds a weekly session for reformative spiritual training by the permission of his shuyookh. Several disciples are associated with him for their spiritual purification.

Apart from the educational and spiritual activities, he is also active on the public welfare projects, both on the domestic and international levels. To facilitate these activities, he founded and currently presides over a welfare organization namely Al-Baqiyat-ul Salihaat. He has been active in relief work for people hard hit by different calamities throughout the country.
A sense of transcending from local groupings towards the concept of a universal Ummah motivates him to connect the masses of different Muslim countries through language learning programs, cultural and educational exchange, trade facilitation and partnerships for mutual interests between different brotherly countries. He chairs a Multinational Welfare platform, known as Fatih Foundation, which is registered as a partner body to Turkey’s largest Well Organization, the IHH.

Cumulatively, his vision is to uplift the condition of Muslims internationally along with strengthening their bond with Islam and its instructions.
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